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Rock Balancing


Webinar Series

Into Harmony

The Science of Breath

How Controlled Breathing Influences the Nervous System

The Science of Breath Webinar 4K

The Science of Breath Webinar 4K

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Explore a intersecção entre o yoga antigo e a psicologia moderna. Mergulhe em tópicos vulneráveis e aumente seu kit de ferramentas de autocura.

Deixe-me guiá-lo de volta ao seu Eu Corporificado e Fortalecido!


Private Coaching



Are you ready to step into the shoes of the confident and empowered babe you know you are deep down?

Instagram @ethereal_lotus_yoga

Facebook @ethereallotusyoga

For inquiries and
collaboration opportunities, email

Terms and Conditions

Nothing on this website is intended as medical or psychological advice.

None of the practices contained within this site are a replacement for conventional medicine.

Whenever you have concerns about your health or mental well being, you should seek and follow the
advice of a qualified medical or mental health practitioner.

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© 2020 Ethereal Lotus Healing Arts School. All rights reserved

Designed by Jeannette Rodriguez

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